FAQs (teilweise in englischer Sprache)

Ihre Rechte in Fall von Verspätung, Streichung oder Nichtbeförderung








Sehr geehrter Fluggast,



bitte beachten Sie, dass die Flüge mit den Flugnummern TG920/922/924/926 beginnen in Bangkok bzw. Phuket und werden somit weder von einem EU-Mitgliedsland aus noch von einer EU-Fluglinie durchgeführt. Insofern greift die EU-Verordnung 261/2004 im Falle einer Verspätung, Annulierung oder Nichtbeförderung nicht und wir müssnen einen Antrag auf eine pauschale Entschädigung ablehnen! Hierfür bitten wir höflich um Verständnis.
Falls Ihnen z.B. durch eine Verspätung zusätzliche und belegbare Kosten entstanden sind, sind wir gerne bereit, eine Erstattung dieser Kosten zu prüfen. Hierfür bitten wir um Zusending alle entsprechenden Belege per Post an unsere Customer Relation Abteilung in Frankfurt.

wenn Ihr Flug ab Frankfurt oder München annulliert oder stark verspätet wurde, oder Ihnen die Beförderung auf einem Flug, für den Sie eine bestätigte Buchung haben, verweigert wurde, stehen Ihnen Rechte gemäß der EU-Verordnung 261/2004 zu, die am 17.02.2005 in Kraft getreten ist. Zuständig für die Gewährung Ihrer Rechte ist die Fluggesellschaft, auf deren Flug sich die Flugunregelmäßigkeit ereignet.









Innerhalb der Europäischen Union steht Ihnen die jeweilige Beschwerde- und Durchsetzungsstelle (NEB) in Ihrem Heimatland zur Verfügung – alle Kontaktdaten können Sie unter dem Link http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/passengers/air/doc/2004 261 national enforcement bodies.pdf abrufen. In Deutschland bietet zudem die zuständige privatrechtliche Schlichtungsstelle SÖP (Schlichtungsstelle für öffentlichen Personenverkehr // http://soep-online.de) die Möglichkeit einer Schlichtung unter Nennung Ihrer Kontaktdaten.






Die Verordnung gilt:


  • für Fluggäste, die in einem EU–Mitgliedstaat einen Flug antreten oder aus einem Drittstaat einen Flug mit einer EU-Fluggesellschaft in ein EU–Mitgliedsland antreten, sofern die Fluggäste in diesem Drittstaat keine Gegen- oder Ausgleichs- und Unterstützungsleistungen erhalten haben,
  • nur, wenn Sie über eine bestätigte Buchung für den betreffenden Flug verfügen,
  • nur wenn Sie sich (außer im Fall der Flugannullierung) zur angegebenen Zeit bzw. falls keine Zeit angegeben wurde, spätestens 45 Minuten vor der veröffentlichten Abflugzeit zur Abfertigung eingefunden haben,
  • nur wenn Sie zu einem der Öffentlichkeit verfügbaren Tarif reisen.




Bitte beachten Sie:




  • Die Flüge mit den Flugnummern TG920/922/924/926 beginnen in Bangkok bzw. Phuket und werden somit weder von einem EU-Mitgliedsland aus noch von einer EU-Fluglinie durchgeführt. Insofern greift die EU-Verordnung 261/2004 im Falle einer Verspätung, Annulierung oder Nichtbeförderung nicht und wir müssnen einen Antrag auf eine pauschale Entschädigung ablehnen! Hierfür bitten wir höflich um Verständnis.
    Falls Ihnen z.B. durch eine Verspätung zusätzliche und belegbare Kosten entstanden sind, sind wir gerne bereit, eine Erstattung dieser Kosten zu prüfen. Hierfür bitten wir um Zusending alle entsprechenden Belege per Post an unsere Customer Relation Abteilung in Frankfurt.











Verspätungen laut EU-Verordnung 261/04 liegen ab einer Verzögerung des Abfluges gegenüber der planmäßigen Abflugzeit von 4 Stunden bei Flügen über 3.500 km Entfernung, von 3 Stunden bei Flügen zwischen 1.500 und 3.500 km sowie bei Flügen über 1.500 km innerhalb der EU und von 2 Stunden bei Flügen bis zu 1.500 km Entfernung vor. Im Falle der Verspätung eines Fluges zwischen drei bis vier oder mehr als vier Stunden am Ankunftsflughafen besteht ein Anspruch auf Ausgleichsleistung – abhängig von der Flugstrecke sowie der Verspätungsdauer. Wenn absehbar ist, dass Ihr Flug eine große Verspätung haben wird, haben Sie das Recht von der Fluggesellschaft Betreuungsleistungen zu erhalten.


Dies sind: Verpflegung in angemessenem Verhältnis zur Wartezeit, gegebenenfalls Hotelübernachtung inkl. Transferkosten und die Möglichkeit für zwei kurze Telefonate, Faxe oder E-Mails. Die Fluggesellschaft braucht Ihnen die Betreuungsleistungen nicht zu gewähren, wenn durch sie Ihr Abflug noch weiter verzögert würde. Bei Verspätungen von mindestens 5 Stunden haben Sie das Recht, sich die Kosten für den Flugschein für nicht zurückgelegte Reiseabschnitte binnen sieben Tagen erstatten zu lassen sowie für bereits zurückgelegte Reiseabschnitte, wenn der Reisezweck durch die Verspätung verfehlt wurde und ggfs. Rückbeförderung zum Ausgangspunkt zum frühestmöglichen Zeitpunkt.






Wenn Sie im Falle einer Überbuchung unfreiwillig von der Beförderung auf dem gebuchten Flug ausgeschlossen werden, haben Sie gegenüber der Fluggesellschaft das Recht auf Betreuungsleistungen wie oben bei "Verspätungen" aufgeführt. Außerdem wird Ihnen eine anderweitige Beförderung zum Endziel ihrer gebuchten Flugreise angeboten. Diese erfolgt zum frühestmöglichen Zeitpunkt und unter vergleichbaren Bedingungen. Vorbehaltlich verfügbarer Plätze können Sie stattdessen auch zu einem späteren von Ihnen gewünschten Zeitpunkt zu ihrem Endziel reisen, wobei dann Verpflegungs-, Hotel- und Transferkosten von Ihnen selbst zu tragen sind.


Wenn Sie unfreiwillig oder freiwillig von der Beförderung ausgeschlossen wurden, haben Sie das Recht auf einen Alternativflug oder eine Erstattung und eine Ausgleichsleistung, die auch per Scheck oder Überweisung, oder, mit Ihrer Zustimmung, in Form eines Gutscheins erfolgen kann. Die Höhe dieser Zahlung ist abhängig von der Entfernung der geplanten Flugstrecke und von der Ihnen angebotenen anderweitigen Beförderung: Bei Flugentfernungen


  • bis zu 1.500 km beträgt die Ausgleichsleistung 250 €,
  • zwischen 1.500 und 3.500 km sowie für innereuropäische Flüge über 1.500 km beträgt sie 400 € und
  • über 3.500 km beträgt sie 600 €.


Wird Ihnen ein Alternativflug angeboten, dessen Ankunftszeit bei Flügen von bis zu 1.500 km nicht später als 2 Stunden, bei Flügen zwischen 1.500 und 3.500 km nicht später als 3 Stunden und bei allen Flügen über 3.500 km nicht später als 4 Stunden nach der planmäßigen Ankunftszeit des ursprünglich gebuchten Fluges liegt, beträgt die Ausgleichsleistung nur 50% der oben genannten Zahlungshöhen, d.h. also 125 €, 200 € oder 300 €.


Sie haben keinen Anspruch auf oben beschriebene Leistungen, wenn Ihnen die Beförderung begründet durch eigenes Verschulden, aus Gesundheits-, oder Sicherheitsgründen, oder wegen fehlender oder unzureichender Reisedokumente verweigert wurde.




Sollte der Flug, auf dem Sie eine bestätigte Buchung hatten, annulliert worden sein, haben Sie ebenfalls die gleichen Rechte auf eine anderweitige Beförderung, Betreuungsleistung, Erstattung und Ausgleichsleistung wie sie oben aufgeführt sind.


Sie haben jedoch keinen Anspruch auf eine Ausgleichsleistung gemäß der EU-Verordnung, wenn das Vorkommnis auf außergewöhnliche Umstände zurückzuführen ist, die sich bei Ergreifen aller zumutbaren Maßnahmen nicht hätten vermeiden lassen. Beispielsweise bei schlechten Wetterbedingungen, politischer Instabilität, Streiks, Sicherheitsrisiken, unerwarteten Flugsicherheitsmängeln.


Ebenso besteht kein Recht auf Ausgleichsleistung bei


  • Information über die Annullierung mindestens 14 Tage vor dem Abflug
  • Information über die Annullierung zwischen 14 und 7 Tagen vor dem Abflug und Abflug nicht mehr als 2 Stunden vor der ursprünglichen Abflugzeit bzw. Ankunft nicht mehr als 4 Stunden nach der geplanten Ankunftszeit
  • Information über die Annullierung weniger als 7 Tage vor dem Abflug und Abflug nicht mehr als 1 Stunde vor der ursprünglichen Abflugzeit bzw. Ankunft nicht mehr als 2 Stunden nach der geplanten Ankunftszeit.













Wir empfehlen Ihnen Ihre Sitzplatzreservierung über "MEINE BUCHUNG" vorzunehmen.

Voraussetzungen für Sitzplatzreservierungen

  • Nur für internationale Flüge, keine Inlandsflüge
  • Nur für bestätigte Reservierungen (keine Wartelistenbuchungen)
  • Die geplante Abflugzeit des betreffenden Fluges liegt mehr als 72 Stunden in der Zukunft

Operationell notwendige Sitzplatzänderungen

Sollte THAI Ihre Sitzplatzreservierung ändern müssen, z.B. bei einem kurzfristigen Wechsel des eingesetzten Flugzeugtyps, wird THAI ihr Bestmögliches tun und Ihnen einen neuen, gleichwertigen Sitzplatz automatisch reservieren. Priorität hat dabei zunächst, gemeinsam reisende Gäste, z.B. Familien, erneut nebeneinander zu setzen. Danach folgt die Vergabe von Sitzplätzen der Kategorie Gang-, Fenster- und Mittelplätzen. Bei operationell notwendigen Sitzplatzänderungen haben Sie leider keinen rechtlichen Anspruch auf einen bestimmten Sitzplatz.

Sitzplatzreservierungen auf Flügen, die nicht von THAI durchgeführt werden

Bitte haben Sie Verständnis, dass Sitzplatzreservierungen auf Flügen, die nicht von THAI durchgeführt werden, insbesondere in der Economy Class, nur eingeschränkt oder gar nicht möglich sind. Bitte wenden Sie sich an die den Flug durchführende Fluggesellschaft.


Royal Orchid Plus - das Vielfliegerprogramm von THAI AIRWAYS


Für Informationen über Ihre gesammelten Meilen und aktuelle Veränderungen auf Ihrem Vielfliegerkonto können Sie folgende Telefon- und Telefaxnummern kontaktieren.


Ihre Royal Orchid Plus Karte ist der Schlüssel zum Meilenansammeln. Bitte geben Sie immer Ihre Mitgliedsnummer an, wenn Sie eine Reservierung bei THAI, einer Partnerfluggesellschaft, in einem Reisebüro, bei einem Hotel - oder Mietwagenpartner machen. Bitte legen Sie im Reisebüro sowie dem Personal beim Check-in für einen Flug mit THAI oder Partnerfluggesellschaft, in einem Partnerhotel oder bei einem Mietwagenpartner Ihre Royal Orchid Plus Mitgliedskarte vor. Diese Schritte sind Voraussetzung, dass die Meilen automatisch registriert und Ihrem Konto gutgeschrieben werden.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass auf allen Flügen, die von Thai Airways durchgeführt werden, in fast allen Buchungsklassen Meilen gesammelt werden können*.
Anbei die aktuelle Aufstellung der Meilen, die gutgeschrieben werden:

ROYAL FIRST CLASS - 150% der geflogenen Meilen
ROYAL SILK CLASS - 125% der geflogenen Meilen*
ECONOMY CLASS - 100% der geflogenen Meilen*

* Für folgende Buchungsklassen werden - auf Thai AIrways durchgeführten Flügen - Meilen wie folgt gutgeschrieben:

  1. Innerthailändishe ThaI Airways Flüge - C / D / J / Y / B / M / Q / S / T / U / H / G / V / W
  2. Internationale Thai Airways Flüge - A / F / P / C / D / J / U / Y / B / M / Q / S / T / H / K / Z
    Ausnahmen: G Klasse - 50% der aktuell geflogenen Meilen und V / W Klasse - 25% der aktuell geflogenen Meilen

Um fehlende Flugmeilen von THAI oder einer Partnerfluggesellschaft gutschreiben zu lassen, reichen Sie bitte folgende Unterlagen für die in Frage kommenden Flüge bei Ihrem THAI Büro ein:

  • Quittung des elektronischen Tickets
  • Bordkartenabschnitt im Original

Nachträgliche Gutschriften werden bis zu 6 Monaten nach Reisedatum akzeptiert! Für THAI Flüge ist jetzt auch eine nachträgliche Kreditierung vom Royal Orchid Plus Member selbst im Internet auf www.thaiairways.com mit Member-ID und PIN möglich.


Ja, vorausgesetzt das Hotel oder die Anmietstation für den Leihwagen nimmt am Programm teil. Bitte überprüfen Sie immer schon bei der Reservierung eines Hotels oder Mietwagens, ob Ihnen Meilen gutgeschrieben werden können. Erscheinen die Meilen für einen Hotelaufenthalt nicht auf den nächsten zwei Kontoauszügen, kontaktieren Sie bitte den Hotelpartner direkt für eine Bestätigung, dass die gezahlte Rate eine Meilengutschrift zulässt. Bei fehlenden Meilen für eine Leihwagenanmietung, reichen Sie bitte eine Quittungskopie bei THAI ein. Nach Prüfung, ob die bezahlte Rate eine Meilengutschrift zulässt, werden die Meilen Ihrem Konto gutgeschrieben. Bitte denken Sie immer daran, Ihre Royal Orchid Plus Mitgliedsnummer, bei Vorgängen bezüglich Meilenregistrierung, anzugeben.


Ja, Upgradeprämien können auf One-way Basis pro internationaler Flugstrecke auf Thai Airways, sowie auf ausgewählten Star Alliance Partnern beantragt werden. Das Upgrade ist nur nach Flugscheinausstellung von der Economy Class in die Business Class oder von der Business Class in die First Class möglich. Upgrades bei THAI Flügen sind möglich mit den Buchungsklassen C/D/J/Y/B/M/H/Q/G/V/W. Bei Star Alliance Flügen mit den Buchungsklassen C/D/Y/B ist die nur über die website www.thaiairways.com/frequentflyer undter "Reedeming awards" mit Member-ID und PIN möglich.


Ja, alle Prämienangebote können von bis zu 5 Berechtigten in Anspruch genommen werden. Der Karteninhaber trägt dazu diese Personen in eine Nominiertenliste ein. Das kann im Internet, oder mit einem Formular geschehen.


Ja, wenn dieses Hotel am Royal Orchid Plus Programm teilnimmt. Bitte kontaktieren Sie das Hotel direkt und lassen Sie sich die Teilnahme bestätigen. Bei der Reservierung müssen Sie daraufhinweisen, dass die Bezahlung mit einem Royal Orchid Plus Award Certificate erfolgt. Die Hotelpartner haben das Recht die verfügbaren Zimmer zu begrenzen oder komplette Ausschlusszeiten zu bestimmen.


Bitte prüfen Sie, ob genügend Meilen für die gewünschte Prämie auf Ihrem Konto sind. Die Bestellung erfolgt dann im Internet auf thaiairways.com. Nach ca. 4 Wochen wird Ihnen das Award Certificate per Post von unserer Hauptverwaltung in Bangkok zugesandt. Bitte achten Sie auf die Gültigkeit des beantragten Zertifikates, da die ausgewiesene Leistung vor dem Ablaufdatum in Anspruch genommen werden muss.


In 1000 Meilen-Schritten können von minimum 1.000 bis maximal 30.000 Meilen Zukäufe pro Prämie erworben werden. Alle Meilenzukäufe sind in USD und werden zu dem jeweiligen Tageskurs in Euro kassiert. 1.000 Meilen kosten USD40.-


On Ground FAQs


International flights: Check-in counters open daily between 04:30 am – 01:00 am on the following day and each flight will be closed 40 minutes before the scheduled departure time. All gates close 10 minutes before the scheduled departure time.


Domestic flights: Check-in counters open daily between 04:30 am – 22:30 am and each flight will be closed 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time. All gates close 10 minutes before the scheduled departure time. Please be aware that during morning and afternoon rush hours, it can often take two hours to reach the airport from a riverside hotel. Plan accordingly.


For international flights, your passport with visa (if required at the destination) and your ticket. 

For domestic flights, only your ticket and I.D are required.

If you use your credit card to purchase ticket, you must present the credit card upon check-in.

Also, if you want credit for frequent flyer miles, you should present your Royal Orchid Plus card.


For Domestic flights

Identity card, government official identity card with photo or passport must be presented for adults.
Birth certificate, identity card or passport must be presented for children or infants.


For International Flights

Passengers must hold passports with a validity of at least 6 months beyond their intended return date, or valid passports and visas meeting the requirements of the country visited. For visa and passport requirements, contact the Consulate or Embassy of the country you are planning to visit. A return ticket or proof of onward travel need to be presented at check-in.
Self-service check-in kiosks are available at 4 selected airports (Bangkok- Suvarnabhumi, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, London and Narita).

**THAI has the right to refuse copies of travel documents**


International law prohibits the placing of magnetised, inflammable, corrosive, radioactive, oxidising, or explosive articles; pressurised gasses, toxic substances, oxygen cylinders, paint, mercury, munitions, and fireworks in checked or unchecked (carry-on) luggage. In many countries, strong-smelling materials, lighter fuel and refills, fresh food or fruit, infected live animals, or weapons must not be taken aboard the aircraft. Such items are subject to confiscation and the owner may be subject to a fine, depending on the country. If you are not certain if an item you are carrying is prohibited, please ask a THAI agent before you arrive at check-in.


THAI Royal First Class, Royal Silk Class passengers and Star Alliance Gold passengers flying on any Star Alliance flights are entitled to use THAI lounges at Suvarnbhumi Airport where they can relax or work while waiting for their flights to depart.

There are seven locations for THAI Departure Lounges. All international lounges are on the 3rd Floor. Royal First Lounge at concourse D has been allocated for First Class passengers with the capacity to accommodate 134 passengers at one time. Facilities include private corners, business center, slumber rooms, Wi-Fi internet and shower suites.

Four Royal Silk Lounges are located on concourses D, C and E. In addition, the Royal Orchid Lounge is on concourse E, with separate areas for First Class and Business Class passengers. Facilities include food and refreshment bar, business center (Wi-Fi internet) and shower facilities.

Domestic passengers may enjoy THAI Royal Silk Lounge at Concourse A. Facilities include Wi-Fi internet, food and non-alcoholic refreshment bar.

Moreover, our Royal Orchid Spa at concourse D, Level 3 which has neck-shoulder and foot massage primarily caters to Royal First and Royal Silk class passengers. Particular for Royal First class passenger, THAI provides with a full range of treatments, including our highlight three Spa Suites with Jacuzzi and tropical rainfall where passengers can relax in a tranquil atmosphere.

Remark: Star Alliance Gold and Star Alliance Paid Membership cardholders are kindly requested to use Royal Silk Lounges and our Royal Orchid Lounge at Concourse C and E.


All departing passengers should enter level 4 as check-in counters are located there.


International Flights


Royal First Class passengers should enter Entrance 1 for check-in at the Royal First check-in lounge. Royal First Class passengers shall be escorted by the staff from curbside through all services.

Royal Silk Class passengers should enter Entrance 1 for sit-down check-in service at Row A.

Royal Orchid Plus Gold / Star Alliance Gold card members should enter Entrance 2 for dedicated check-in service at Row B.

Group passengers should enter Entrance 2 for dedicated check-in at Row D.

Economy Class passengers should enter Entrance 4/5 for common check-in at Row H/J.

Domestic Flights


Royal Silk Class passengers should enter Entrance 2 for dedicated check-in service at Row B.

Royal Orchid Plus Gold / Star Alliance Gold card members should enter Entrance 2 for dedicated check-in service at Row B.

Economy Class passengers should enter Entrance number 2 for common check-in at Row C

Group passengers should enter Entrance number 2 for dedicated check-in at Row C.

CUSS or Common Use Self Service Check-in and Internet Check-in are also available for domestic travel. The CUSS are located between Row G and H. Dedicated bag drop counters for CUSS and Internet Check-in are provided at Row C.


Self Check -in kiosks provide automated check-in service for more ease and convenience with no need to queue at check-in counters when flying with THAI on domestic routes, departing from Bangkok on international travel and at selected airports worldwide. Simply follow the kiosk prompts, enter the required information and receive your boarding pass. 

Are there additional advantages?
- Select or change seats up to12 hours prior to flight departure
- Conveniently leave checked bags at dedicated THAI BAG–DROP counters 

How to use this service?
- Select THAI on the opening screen, followed by your preferred language. Identify yourself by selecting one of 5 methods:- Booking reference,- E-ticket number, Frequent flyer number Passport or Boarding pass barcode then follow the remaining steps until you receive your boarding pass.

Are there any restrictions for using a Self Check-in Kiosk?
- Those who require special airport service or assistance such as wheelchairs, medical attention, children travelling alone, or those travelling with sports equipment, pets or overweight/oversize baggage are not able to use this automated service.

How can I get baggage tags?
- At selected airports, baggage tags are also printed by the kiosk. Follow the instructions on attaching tags to your baggage then leave bags at BAG DROP counters.

Where are THAI’s Self Check-in Kiosks  available?
- Bangkok Suvarnabhumi , London Heathrow, Frankfurt,  Cophenhagen and Tokyo Narita.
as of 02 June 2016.

What are  other TG's  off Airport Check-in  facilities? 
- Internet check-in @ www.thaiairways.com
-THAI Mobile Application

Before You Fly FAQs


THAI no longer requires that you reconfirm your flight but please contact THAI to cancel your reservation if your travel plans change. Many airlines still require reconfirmation. If your journey includes a portion on another airline you may have to reconfirm onward journeys at least 72 hours before departure.


The following information are as guideline.

Electronic Ticket Number:  find in “ETKT”

Reservation Code: find in “Booking Reference”

Fare Type: located in the “Fare Basis”

Airline and Flight: printed under “Flight”

Class and Date:  find them in “CL and DATE”  field.

Departure Time: located in “DEP”

Reservation Status:  “ST” lists one of these codes

                        OK: You are confirmed on this flight.

                        NS: “No Seat”. This refers to an infant not occupying a seat.

 Ticket Validity: Found in the “NVB” not valid before and “ NVA” not valid after.


Standard special meal can be requested on international flights not less than 48hrs before flight departure.



Child meal can be requested on international flights not less than 48hrs before flight departure.



Infant meal can be requested on international flights not less than 48hrs before flight departure.


A children,5-11 years of age,travelling alone is designated an Unaccompanied Minor and will be escorted by THAI personnel, looked after during a flight, and met on arrival, provided the parent has completed the necessary documents prior to the flight and copy of these documents is required to present at check-in counter. An unaccompanied minor handling fee will be charged for international flights.


Please contact the local THAI city office to make reservations and request a special assistance & handling form for unaccompanied minors. More details can be found in TRAVEL GUIDE in Unaccompanied Minors section.


THAI serves special child and infant meals. Requests must be made at least 48 hours before departure. You cannot request specific brands of baby meals or powder milk. Except TG2000 – 2999 flight number.


Bassinet for infant passengers can be booked in advance with a seat fee applies here or contact local THAI Reservation & Ticketing office (Contact Us).  Infant passengers must meet the following conditions; weight not over 10 kg, height not over 67 cm and age less than six months old. They can be attached to bulkhead anchors. Parents can use their own baby car seat provided it has been certified by the government of manufacturer's country and provided the infant is flying on a child's fare ticket. Diapers are not available onboard. However, there are diaper changing boards in the toilets (except economy class on aircraft type B737-400, business class on aircraft type B787-9, first class on aircraft type B747-400 and Airbus A380-800).


Yes, passengers are required to carry this type of baggage with conditions. More details can be found in Baggage Policy.


Each passenger may hand-carry one piece of luggage the sum of whose dimensions (length+ height + width) does not exceed 115 cm (56 + 46 + 25 cm) (44.85 inches, i.e. 21.5 x 18 x 9.75 inches) and which does not weigh more than 7 kg (15.4 lbs). Pieces exceeding these dimensions must be checked in at the Check-in counter prior to departure. A woman is allowed to carry a purse as well.


THAI's Special Unit Officers are stationed at various points around the Departure Hall to aid passengers needing special assistance. Wheelchairs are available. THAI also provides escorts to the airplane for passengers in need of assistance such as, Unaccompanied Minors, young passengers, medical cases. More details can be found in TRAVEL INFORMATION


Advance seat assignments are not applicable on domestic flights in all class of services.


You can change your domestic flight (TG operated flight only) and International flight ( originating from Thailand) online up until 6 hours before departure. Before you proceed, just a friendly reminder
•    Online rebooking is eligible for Ticket which made payment  via thaiairways.com only
•    If you’re traveling with a companion, changes will apply to all passengers in this booking.
•    Change fee and additional fare (if any) are applicable per passenger For change flights/date, please click "Manage my booking" and select "Modify flights"


Please kindly contact our THAI OFFICE in the city where your journey commences for ticket amendment.


Group booking rates are not applicable through website. They can be arranged at THAI city sales offices only.


The ticket upgrade can be done upon the terms and conditions of the ticket fare type which you have selected during the booking process.


Yes, please see the details in Baggage Policy Page. Pet in passenger cabin not accepted on TG flights.


Online seat reservation is possible until 48 hours before departure of your flight while booking or Manage My Booking. For booking less than 48 hours seat assignment can be done at check-in counter on the travelling date or within 24 hours you might do ICHECK-IN.


Cash receipts can be requested at THAI offices within 30 days after ticket is issued


You can make payment with the following payment options:

  • Credit card: Visa card and MasterCard for worldwide journey
                   JCB, American Express, UnionPay and UATP for journey starting on some countries
  • Debit card: Visa and MasterCard worldwide journey
  • Direct payment : China pay, Alipay for journey starting from China
  • Pay at THAI office: You must contact THAI office in the country where the journey commences within 72 hours after booking has been made otherwise system automatically cancel the booking.
  • Paypal: A worldwide online payments system that supports online money transfers
  • Pay later: Your trip will be placed on hold but the reservation is not guaranteed until it has been paid and confirmed. Your reservation will be automatically cancelled if full payment is not made by the expiry date and time. You must retrieve the booking via Manage My Booking and make the payment with credit card within 24 hours.

The following payment options applying for journey with TG flight(s) within/departs Thailand and internet protocol (IP) has been registered in Thailand only

  • ATM: Siam Commercial Bank, Thai Military Bank, Krung Thai Bank, Kasikorn Bank, Bangkok Bank and Bank of Ayudhya, Thanachart Bank
  • Over the Counter
    Counter Service: Pay at counter service booth countrywide


  • LINEPay
  • WeChatPay

Note : The availability of the individual payment options varies depending on the country , date before departure, fare amount and currency .


Yes, you can purchase tickets for another person from THAI website. Our online booking facility does not require the card holder to be the passenger or a member of the travelling party. However, THAI reserves the right to ask to show the credit card in case of verification is required.

Internet Check-in FAQs


This service is THAI online check-in which gives you more convenient online check-in for both domestic and international THAI flights departing from the following destinations:

Stations in Thailand



CEI/Chiang Rai


CNX/Chiang Mai


HDY/Had Yai








USM/Koh Samui

Stations Abroad 

AKL/Auckland-New Zealand 


















CMB/Colombo-Sri Lanka 




DAC/ Dhaka- Bangladesh 




DPS/ Denpasar-Indonesia 


DXB/Dubai-U Arab Emirates


FCO/ Rome-Italy 


FRA/ Frankfurt-Germany 




HKG/Hong Kong-China 












JNB/Johannesburg-South Africa 








KUL/Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia


LAX/Los Angeles-USA


LHR/London-United Kingdom












MUC/Munich- Germany


MXP/Milano- Italy












PNH/Phnom Penh-Cambodia










SGN/Ho Chi Minh City-Vietnam
























It’s very simple.  Just select iCheck-in and identify yourself by entering your last name, combined with either confirmed booking reference or electronic ticket number. Then continue, the systems will immediate process to check-in for you. Additionally, Internet check-in supports multiple passenger check-in including infants from the same and different booking reference, travelling  on the same flight.


Yes, the Internet Check-in is available from 24 hours up to 1 hour before flight schedule departure time.


Electronic ticketed only.


Multiple passengers check in is available (individual and group), maximum 99 passengers in the same or different booking code.
- Information of special meals and baggage allowance will be displayed.  
- For a group check- in passengers, a home print boarding pass can be sent to each passenger individually through your e-mail.
- For all international flights, passengers must provide the necessary regulatory information and answer the security questions required by the destination country


Internet Check-in cannot allow to the passenger who specifies their requirements such as special assistance at the airport; wheelchairs, medical attention, children travelling alone, including passenger travels with sport equipment, passenger travels with pets and passenger travels with overweight/size baggage.


Yes, and you can also change your seat on connecting THAI flights, which will be automatically through checked-in for you if the flights are in the same reservation code.

Besides, your THAI return flight in the same reservation code, within 24 hours, will be automatically checked-in too. But if your connecting flight is on another airline, a seat change is not allowed.



For technical reasons some connecting flights may not display. Airport check-in staff will be pleased to assist you with connecting check-in and seating changes.


Yes, you are allowed to update your Frequent Flyer by selecting your frequent flyer airline , enter number and select to save.


Yes, after the Review Check-in page has been confirmed (or time-out) additional changes to seating, FFP numbers or even cancel check-in can be made by re-entering Internet Check-in with the same reservation code.


♦ You are allowed to print your own boarding pass with A4 size paper included your onward/return  flight(in the same booking code)with THAI for up to two sectors, except passengers holding paper tickets or purchasing tickets via web or telephone sale.

♦ Please present your boarding pass, baggage to register, ID card or passport and credit/debit card used to purchase this ticket(if applicable) to a THAI bag drop counter (at Bangkok International Airport Counter C15) at least 45 minutes prior to your flight departure.

♦ If you are unable to print your boarding pass, please contact THAI bag drop counter at the respective airports for issuing your boarding pass.

♦ If you have no baggage to register, please proceed directly to the boarding gate and present your ID card or passport to THAI staff at the boarding gate.



· Currently, you are able to print your own boarding pass at home with A4 size paper, one connecting flight in same booking code is


· Passengers who hold paper tickets or e-tickets purchased via web or telephone sale are prohibited.

· There are 39 destinations where home print boarding pass is prohibited, due to the security procedures required to enter those





New Zealand





















Sri Lanka


























Tokyo (Haneda)










South Africa





Kuala Lumpur



Los Angeles




United Kingdom

















Tokyo (Narita)






























· Please present your travel documents, boarding pass, baggage to register and credit/debit card used to purchase this ticket(if

applicable) to a THAI Internet Check-in counter at the respective airport ( at Bangkok International Airport this is Counter J1/J2) at

least 60 minutes prior to your flight departure.

· If you cannot print your own boarding pass, please contact THAI Internet Check-in counter at the respective airports for boarding

pass issuance and travel documents verification.


International law prohibits the placing of magnetised, infilammable, corrosive, redioactive,oxidising, or explosive articles; pressurised gasses, toxic substances, oxygen cylinders, paint, mercury,munitions,and fireworks in checked or unchecked (carry-on) luggage. In many countries, strong-smelling materials, lighter fuel and refills, fresh food or fruit, infected live animals, or weapons must not be taken aboard the aircraft. Such items are subject to confiscation and the owner may be subject to a fine, depending on the country. If you are not certain if an item you are carrying is prohibited, please ask a THAI agent before you arrive at check-in.


If you are traveling solely on THAI for the duration of your journey, please familiarize yourself with our following baggage rules:
The baggage allowance is divided to two concepts:
    1. For travel outside Canada and the U.S.A, the following regulations are:
      -  Royal First Class : 40 kg (88 lbs.); Royal Silk Class : 30 kg (66 lbs.);  Premium Economy and Economy Class passengers : 20 kg (44lbs.).
      -  Royal Orchid Plus Gold Card Members are entitled to check an additional 20 kg (44 lbs)
      -   Royal Orchid Plus Silver Card Members can check an additional 10 kg (22 lbs.)
         ● Child (2-12 years) occupying a seat is entitled to the same free baggage as an adult passengers.
         ● Infant (not occupying seat) are allowed 10 kg (22 lbs.) excluding one fully-collapsible child stroller, pushchair, or infant carrying basket.
    2.    For travel to/from Canada and the U.S.A., the following regulations apply two pieces of   check baggage.
       - The sum of the three dimensions (length+height+width) for each piece cannot exceed 158 cm.(62 inches). 
       - The maximum weight per piece is 32 kg (70 lbs.) for Royal First and Royal Silk Class and 23 kg (50 lbs.) per piece for Premium Economy and Economy Class.
          ● Child (2-12 years) occupying a seat is entitled to the same free baggage as an adult passengers.
          ● Infant (not occupying seat) is entitled to one piece of checked baggage, the sum of whose three dimensions does not exceed 115 cm.(45 inches) at maximum weight of 23 kg  Plus one fully-collapsible child stroller or pushchair or infant-carrying basket
Note: Frequent Flyer Gold Members are permitted to one extra piece in any class of services


         If your journey involves multiple airline partners, please be aware that baggage rules may vary. In some cases, the baggage rules that apply for your journey may be those of our partner airlines, please contact your travel agent or our ticketing/reservation agent for further advice.



THAI will do our best to ensure your checked baggage is always transported on the same flight(s).  Then we strongly encourage you to also place a tag with similar information inside your bag to facilitate identification.  To download and print baggage name card, please click Baggage id card


In Thailand, one hour before international departures and 45 minutes for domestic departures. At airports abroad, check-in times vary, but generally no later than one hour prior to departure.


Your assigned seating may be released for other passengers.


1. If you are the credit card owner, and had used your card to purchase a ticket yourself, the documents required to be presented during check-in are: your itinerary receipt, photo ID or passport, and the credit card used for the purchase.

2. If the travelling passenger is not the credit card owner, the documents required during check-in include; the new itinerary receipt (for details, see Regulations), and photo ID or passport.


Mobile Check-in FAQs


With The Mobile Check-in service, use your internet-enabled mobile phone, simply check-in for your flights by accessing https://m.thaiairways.com. Just select Check-in and identify yourself by entering your last name, combined with either confirmed booking reference or electronic ticket number. Then continue, the systems will immediate process to check-in for you. Additionally, this Mobile check-in supports multiple passenger check-in including infants from the same and different booking reference, travelling  on the same flight.



All passengers holding electronic ticket, except passenger who specifies their requirements such as special assistance at the airport; wheelchairs, medical attention, children travelling alone, including passenger travels with sport equipment, passenger travels with pets and passenger travels with overweight/size baggage.


Mobile Check-in is available from 24-1 hours prior to your flight departure.


You can check-in for individual and multiple passengers, maximum 99 passengers in the same and different booking code.
- For a group check- in passengers, a home print boarding pass can be sent to each passenger individually through your e-mail.
- For all international flights, passengers must provide the necessary regulatory information and answer the security questions required by the destination country


The Mobile Boarding Pass is an electronic boarding pass containing a 2D barcode, used to replace an original boarding pass. Recently, the mobile boarding pass is available for passenger holding an electronic ticket which is not purchased via web or telephone sale and also check in to domestic flights depart from Bangkok, Phuket and Chiang Mai. You can receive mobile boarding pass either through your e-mail or easily retrieve from your mobile phone.


You have to retrieve the mobile boarding pass from your mobile phone and make sure the entire barcode is visible to be scanned. Then present it at any checkpoints at the airport.


You can proceed to the bag drop counter at the respective airport and display your mobile boarding pass for printing your destination tag. Then, proceed to the security checkpoint. If you have no bag, you can then proceed directly to the security checkpoint and to the assigned gate.


You do not need to check-in again at the airport. Just contact the THAI mobile check-in counter and provide your flight information and your boarding pass will be printed. If you have already proceeded to the security checkpoint, you can contact THAI Royal Silk Lounge (business class) or boarding gate for printing your boarding pass replacement.

Royal Orchid Holidays FAQs


In Southeast Asia there is no winter or summer, only a wet or dry season. The wet season is associated with the monsoons. Travellers are often warned to avoid travelling during the monsoons. Here's the rub. Thailand has two monsoons, the Northeast and the Southwest, and when the winds are blowing on one coast and the weather may be foul, the other coast is certain to have clear skies and be sunny. That's when you choose either Phuket on the west coast or KohSamui on the east coast. So when is the best time to travel in Thailand? The answer: any time.

Also, for a moment, let's consider these monsoons. Monsoons are actually winds, and these winds are what bring the rains. But they are not like the rains we find in Europe and America. When it rains in Southeast Asia, it is generally for short periods of time, an hour or two; nor does it rain every day. There is, actually, an advantage to travelling during the monsoons. The weather is cooler, and when it isn't raining you can be certain the sun will be out and the air will be crisp and clean. This is also a good time to travel for there are fewer travellers, towns and resorts are less crowded, and for certain, prices will be lower.

Aside from the monsoon season, when's the best time to visit a country? Obviously, it's during a festival, and in Thailand that means just about any time. Thailand is, in fact, a land of festivals. There's certain to be one or two festivals of some sort every month, all year long. Some, naturally, are more interesting than others.

An interesting feature about festivals in Thailand is that they are more than just special events; they are an essential part of social life that is performed by Thais for Thais. Foreign visitors are always invited.

Festivals have many inspirations and follow diverse forms. Some of the most important ones revolve around the main religions of Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, while others mark the changing cycle of rural planting and harvest. There are festivals for eating, for traditional sports such as longboat racing, for flowers and fruits, arts and crafts, while others celebrate the hot season, rainy season, or no season at all.

Thais are a fun-loving people and although some of their festivals are serious and solemn, most involve colourful displays of dancing and music, processions and shows, where everyone, locals as well as visitors, can have a good time.



An interesting feature about festivals in Thailand is that they are more than just special events; they are an essential part of social life that is performed by Thais for Thais. Foreign visitors are always invited. Festivals have many inspirations and follow diverse forms. Some of the most important ones revolve around the main religions of Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, while others mark the changing cycle of rural planting and harvest. There are festivals for eating, for traditional sports such as longboat racing, for flowers and fruits, arts and crafts, while others celebrate the hot season, rainy season, or no season at all. Thais are a fun-loving people and although some of their festivals are serious and solemn, most involve colourful displays of dancing and music, processions and shows, where everyone, locals as well as visitors, can have a good time.

Some Thai festivals occur on fixed dates, others follow the lunar calendar, which means they change from year to year. Travellers should check exact dates in advance, through worldwide offices of Royal Orchid Holidays at Thai Airways International. Below are some of the festivals Thailand has to offer, and which are available through ROH. Remember, the list is not complete.

Elephant Roundup (Mid-November) This annual event held in Surin, eastern Thailand, is the largest gathering of elephants to be seen anywhere. Over a hundred of the great beasts take part in many types of spectacles, from parading in ancient war formation and the re-enactment of old battles, to taking part in a football match and tug-of-war contest. There are also demonstrations of how wild elephants were once captured and trained. Near Surin is the Jumbo Village, established by THAI to help orphaned and sick elephants.

River Kwai Week (Late November) A commemoration of historic events surrounding the Bridge over the River Kwai in Kanchanaburi province. A spectacular sound and light show, fireworks, rides on vintage trains and historical exhibitions.

Loy Kratong (November) Perhaps the most charming and unique of Thailand's traditional festivals, Loy Kratong is celebrated throughout the Kingdom on a full moon night. Celebrants gather beside every lake, river and canal to launch tiny floats, usually made of banana leaf, decorated with flowers, candles and incense. This act symbolises forgiveness of past misdeeds and is a gesture for wish fulfillments. The festival is most spectacular by Bangkok's riverside hotels, in Chiang Mai and in the ancient capitals of Sukhothai and Ayutthaya.

H.M.The King's Birthday (December 5th) The love and respect felt by Thai people for their King is on display throughout the country, around this day. City buildings are decorated and brilliantly illuminated after dark. People also assemble on streets during the evening with lit candles to honour their monarch. The most spectacular event is the review of massed Royal Guards by Their Majesties the King and Queen at the Royal Plaza in Bangkok.

Chiang Mai Winter Fair (Early mid-January) The diversity of locally produced handicrafts is the theme for this festival held in Chiang Mai and its surrounding villages. There are many exhibitions, and a large variety of traditional arts and crafts are offered for sale. Processions and beauty contests highlight the fair.

MakhaBucha (February) This is an important Buddhist lunar festival celebrated nationwide. Highlighted during full-moon evenings, devotees join candle-lit processions around temples. It's most colourful.

Songkran (April) The hottest month in Thailand is ideal timing for this celebration of the traditional New Year. Water, lots of it, is thrown around by and at everyone. Processions, parties and temple fairs are great fun, but the more serious origins of this festival revolve around ritual blessings to bring good luck for the coming year. Wear your old clothes and leave your camera back in your hotel, unless it's an underwater camera.

Pattaya Festival (April) Asia's most cosmopolitan beach resort is on spectacular display during this full week of processions, beauty and sports contests, music, dancing, local produce markets, fireworks and special entertainment, on the beach and in many hotels.

YasothonBanglai Rocket Festival (May) This is one of Thailand's very popular festivals that draws foreign tourists by the thousands. It's a spectacular two-day rocket festival held in many northeastern villages, but the main village is Yasothon. In addition to huge rockets being launched, there are splendid pageants, art and culture shows.

Ploughing Ceremony (May) Marking the official beginning of the rice-planting season, this ceremony is attended by farmers from all over Thailand and presided over by H.M. The King. It takes place in front of the Grand Palace in Bangkok. Ceremonial oxen draw the plough and special rituals are performed to predict the quality of the coming crop.

VisakhaBhuca (May) This is the most important religious festival, marking the birth, enlightenment and death of Lord Buddha. In every temple and monastery, throughout the country, worshipers form solemn candlelit processions during the evening, to circle their temple.

Buffalo Races (October) Held in Chon Buri, near Pattaya, this festival celebrates the end of rice harvesting. It is a lively time for all, with much eating, partying, beauty contests and processions. The main event, obviously, is the water buffalo races.

Vegetarian Festival (October) For ten days people of Chinese descent in Thailand's southern provinces, mainly Phuket and Trang, observe a strictly vegetarian diet. Sound boring but it's not. Rituals by religious ascetics are unbelievable. There are parades and colourful ceremonies at most Chinese temples.

Longboat races (September-October) Longboat racing has been popular in Thailand for centuries. Regattas are held on many river locations, among the most spectacular being at Phichit, Phitsanulok, Narathiwat and Nan.



Time was when the only way to travel was with travellerscheques. We live in a plastic world today. Credit cards will get you anywhere. In fact, if you want to rent a car, you will need a credit card. Travellerscheques will not do, no matter how much you want to deposit. In Thailand, as in most Southeast Asian countries, and China as well, you will find ATM machines anywhere from airports to the smallest village or hamlet. Most restaurants and shops will take credit cards. For cash, I always carry a few dollar bills. One never knows when you might need them.


ROH is designed and priced specifically for THAI passengers. The airlines see ROH as, a kind of, value-add they offer to THAI passengers. All the content in ROH have been carefully reviewed and negotiated to give THAI passengers the best value possible, everything from hotels to tours. Unlike most travel agencies that are in business to make profit, ROH will even lose money to satisfy its passengers. However, ROH is extending its services to clients traveling on services operated by partner airlines (the Star Alliance), though some fees may be involved.


Indeed, Bangkok is the gateway to China, with eight destinations, and a few more scheduled. If we were travelling to China overland, by bus or train, distances would be a concern, but with flight aboard THAI distances is not a problem. An hour or two when a flight is comfortable really doesn't matter. But let's look at some of the destination. Now that Hong Kong (ROHS12) is part of China, it too is a major destination. The others are Beijing (ROHS23), the capital. Shanghai (ROHS24) for shopping. There's Xian, not a direct flight from Bangkok on THAI but it is part of an ROH itinerary (ROH21). It's the home of the terra-cotta army, some 8,000 life-sized warriors in battle array. Chengdu is another of my favourite cities. Anyone who loves pandas will agree, as Chengdu is home to the loveable pandas. You also have the choice of Kunming (ROHS36), Lijiang Extension (ROHE36), and Guilin (ROHE27). The latest destination is Jinghong, a favourite for the THAI people as they can race their heritage to here. And there's more, Guangzhou, and Xiamen. In deed, Bangkok is the gateway to China.


Over the years we have been asked this question many times-is it safe for a woman to travel alone in Thailand?

The advice we give to these women are those things they already know but tend to disregard. For example, we suggest not to travel with fine jewelry, expensive watches or such things as high-priced leather goods. Why? These items will attract unwanted attention. That, of course, we all know, but do we follow it? Not always. We know we should leave expensive items at home.

The best ways for women to stay safe while traveling are still the simplest:

·         Don't do things on trips that you wouldn't do at home. That includes flashing lots of money and jewelry, walking alone at night or in parts of town you don't know well, going off with strangers and/or not telling anyone where you're going.

·         While overseas, make sure that someone - even if it's just your hotel receptionist-knows your destination, and if you're going out with someone you barely know, tell the desk clerk his/her name.

·         Remember, too, that many behaviors that would be acceptable at home send other signals abroad. In some cultures, for example, even the mere fact that you are female and travelling alone can signal sexual availability. Going out on a date with a man you've just met can do the same thing in a culture where dating is more supervised than at home.

·         Learn all you can about the underlying values of the culture in the area where you'll be traveling, and be conscious of your own behavior and the signals it might send in that culture. Don't travel with such opinions as "I wear shorts at home why can't I here?"

All these worries can be eliminated, of course, if you travel with Royal Orchid Holidays. And, to answer your last question, October is a fine month to travel in Thailand. It's one of the coolest months.



The climate of Thailand varies widely from region to region. Rainfall patterns and temperature levels are subject to the monsoon. The summer monsoon brings three distinct seasons: cool (November-February), hot (March-June), and rainy (July-November). Monsoons, not latitude, determine the seasons in Thailand. Monsoons are seasonal winds that change direction during the year as a result of differences in temperature and pressure between land and sea. Derived from the Arabic word mansim, monsoons are the life source for farms across the country.


There are some very fine hotels that have sprung up in the area. So there is no need to find accommodation in Phuket, although it is possible to rent a car which is available in Royal Orchid Holidays Fly-Drive progeamme, and make the drive with ease. The roads are excellent.


Bangkok does indeed have an elevated train called the Skytrain as well as the underground subway. It's now possible to get across town in 15 minutes.


Go to the first page of ROH and click at Spa & Medical Check-up and you will find the full packages there. We understand the program is getting more and more popular every day.


If you click here , there is “Health in Thailand. What if I Get Sick?” in our Weekly Travel Feature. This will answer your questions. In the meantime, we assure you, travelling in Southeast Asia isn't what it was fifty years ago, even fifteen years ago. In fact, many travellers are coming to Bangkok these days for medical treatment.


When you say “up north” that's a broad statement when referring to northern Thailand. ROH offers many diverse tours there. Here, for example, are a few of ROHprogrammes. Mae-Sa Taste of Adventure (ROHA33); Chiang Mai Trekking (ROHA40); Hmong Hilltribe Adventure (ROHA25); Northern 4-WD & Rafting Adventure (ROHA2); Golden Triangle Minibreak (ROHS32); and a number of other Minibreaks and Extensions. I suggest you go to Royal Orchid Holidays tour detail in this website, and contact the nearest TG office to you. I hope you have a pleasant journey - we know you will.


Ayutthaya, the ancient capital of Siam lies some 20 kilometres up the Chao Phraya River from Bangkok. ROH has a leisurely overnight river cruise (ROHE47) upriver departing from Bangkok aboard “Mekhala,” a beautifully converted rice barge. Guests have private facilities, all meals that include a candlelit dinner, sightseeing tours and shore excursions. We also offer day trip from Bangkok to Ayutthaya as well as dinner cruise along Chao Phraya River.


There are overland trips to Cambodia but for security reasons, and comfort, I strongly recommend taking a Thai flight to Phnom Phen ROH37. Travelling to Singapore by train is an exciting adventure, but a roundtrip by train is repetitious and time consuming. I suggest taking the train one way, with a stopover in Penang and perhaps Kuala Lumpur, depending upon how much time you have, and return by air. ROH has programmes for Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.


Indeed, it is possible. Royal Orchid Holidays has just the thing for you called Experience Thai Life (ROHE2O). You travel by boat and van to your destination and spend a night in a Thai home, an actual wooden houses built on stilts. You live the way the Thais do. Your meals are typical Thai, prepared by your Thai hosts. In the early morning hours you watch or participate with the villagers as they offer food to the monks, who arrive there by rowing boats. You couldn't get closer to Thai ways and culture.



ROH has many wonderful package tours available, and your request is one. You would need at least a week to do all the things you asked about. There are self-drive packages as well as accommodation arrangement available in ROH.


The exceptions to the left-hand driving rule are Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, all having been under French domination at one time. Anyone who is worried about the driving rules in Thailand shouldn't be. International rules are generally accepted. There is a speed limit of 80 kmph in town and 100 kmph on open roads. A driver must always be in possession of a valid driving license from the country of origin. An international driver's license is not required. What is needed is the vehicle's Registration Book. It's a great way to travel, behind the driver's wheel, driving one way and returning by air the other way.

Royal Orchid Plus FAQs


Royal Orchid Plus membership is open to any individual 2 years of age or older.


No, you must be enrolled in the program prior to flight departure, or when using the services of Travel Partners that are eligible for mileage accrual.

Click here to enroll instantly.



Yes, enrollment forms are available at all THAI offices world-wide.

Please allow up to 3 weeks for your enrollment to be processed.


· By quoting your Royal Orchid Plus membership number when making reservations with THAI, airline partners, your travel agent, or

with hotel and car rental partners helps to ensure automatic mileage credit.

· Presenting your card at flight check-in is also advised so that check-in staff can ensure your membership number has been correctly

included in your reservation.


Yes, tickets and boarding passes should be kept until the miles appear in your account.


For the FAQ “What do I do when miles are not automatically credited to my account?”
Please change to the following.

For flights with THAI that are not credited within 3 days after the flight date you can submit an online claim by accessing your account using your membership number and PIN, then go to Mileage Management.
For flights with Star Alliance airlines that are not credited within 14 days after the flight date you can also submit an online claim at Mileage Management.
If your online claim is not successful you can then claim by:
Scan the boarding pass and e-ticket and send by email to ropsvc@thaiairways.com and include your membership number.
Send the boarding pass and e-ticket by fax to +66 (0) 2545 3300 and include your membership number.
For claims with hotel and car rental partners, these can also be submitted online or with the partner. Visit Earn Miles for complete details.


There are reasons, most of which can be easily avoided or explained.
•    Always quote your membership number at reservations and present your card at check-in.
•    Check that you name and membership number on your flight boarding pass or travel partner receipt are identical to the information on your Royal Orchid Plus card. If there are any errors, miles will not automatically be credited to your account.
•    If you have changed your flight time or date and not informed reservations or presented your card at check-in, again miles will not be credited automatically.
•    Award travel does not accrue miles.
•    Some discounted Economy Class fares on Star Alliance and partner airlines are not eligible for mileage accrual. Check with the airline you are flying with if miles are earned. • Miles earned with partner hotel stays or car rentals are determined by the paid rate. Again check with the partner if your paid rate will earn miles.


Miles are earned by each individual account holder and cannot be transferred or combined with other Royal Orchid Plus, or other Star Alliance frequent flyer programme accounts.


Yes, Qualifying Miles that determine membership status are earned on THAI and Star Alliance operated flights. The number of Qualifying Miles is determined by the paid fare and/ or distance or sector flown.


Qualifying Miles earned with THAI and Star Alliance operated flights determines Royal Orchid Plus membership status - Member, Silver or Gold. See Status & Benefits on our home page for full details.



First Class 150% of actual miles flown
Business Class 125% of actual miles flown
Premium Economy Class 110% of actual miles flown
Economy Class 100% of actual miles flown


Discounted Economy Class fares in booking class G earns 50% of actual miles flown and on international flights in V / W classes 25% of actual miles are earned. Discounted fares on Star Alliance airlines may also earn reduced mileage, or may not be eligible for mileage accrual.


Yes, these can be replaced by contacting the Members Service Centre in Bangkok, your local THAI office or by sending your replacement request to ropsvc@thaiairways.com


Selected Awards can be redeemed instantly at Redeeming Miles.
•    THAI Air Awards within Thailand
•    THAI Air Awards
•    International (Departure from Bangkok only)
•    Hotel Stay Awards
•    Promotional Awards
Contact THAI reservations world-wide to redeem:
•    Air Awards and Mileage Upgrade Awards for international travel


As a member, you can redeem any Royal Orchid Plus Award for yourself, or for one of your Award Nominees.
When redeeming for another person, including family members, they must be one of your Award Nominees.
Your personal Award Nominee List can contain up to 5 names. After you have added or changed 5 names, you may make up to 5 changes each calendar year. Each change is subject to a service fee.
Fees are payable in Baht in Thailand and US Dollar in all other countries.
Award Nominee fees are waived for Gold status members.
Your Award Nominee can be updated instantly at Manage Your Account, or by requesting an Award Nominee form at any THAI office world-wide.


Yes, the same mileage is required for children's Award tickets as they earn the same miles as adults for paid flights.


If your account does not contain sufficient mileage for your preferred Award, up to 30,000 miles per Award can be purchased by contacting THAI world-wide.
Points to miles transfers can also be made with credit and charge card partners Contact your card issuer for transfers and allow at least 2 weeks for miles to be credited to your account.


Air Awards
•    Once ticketed only flight dates and times may be changed for Air Awards subject to service fees, and you must contact THAI reservations to request these changes.
•    Destination changes for Air Awards within Thailand can be requested subject to service fees. Re-credit of domestic Air Awards is not permitted.
•    No other changes are permitted to international Air Awards. However, these Awards can be re-credited to your account, less any expiring miles, and subject to service fees. A new Award may then be requested.
•    Any changes on Star Alliance Award Travel is subject to Star Alliance Award travel conditions.
Mileage Upgrade Awards
•    Once miles have been deducted and upgraded travel is confirmed on THAI, these Awards cannot be re-credited.
•    Valid for one year from the date of issue, Mileage Upgrades that are not used on the designated flight may be used for another flight within the same Award zone.
•    Upgrade Awards can also be redeemed or selected Star Alliance Airlines. Hotel Awards
•    Once issued, no changes can be made to a Hotel Award
•    Valid Certificates can be re-credited, less any expiring miles, and subject to service fees. A new Hotel Award can then be requested.


•    Lost or stolen tickets international tickets or Hotel Award Certificates can be reissued subject to service fees. A police report must be provided for a stolen ticket when reissuing at any THAI city ticketing office.
•    Lost or stolen Air Award tickets within Thailand cannot be replaced under any circumstance.

Online purchasing Extra Excess Baggage allowance


Prices Online purchasing extra baggage allowance will be applied on table of the rates below


Online purchasing Excess Baggage
Zone Route Weight Prices(USD Prices (THB
0 Between Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Phuket, Krabi 5 7 250
10 14 500
15 20 675
20 26 900
25 32 1,100
30 38 1,300
1 1. Between Bangkok and Dhaka,Phnom Penh, Kunming, Vientiane,Kuala Lumpur, Yangon,  Singapore, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh

2. Between Chiang Mai and Kunming

3. Between Hong Kong and Taipei

4. Between Taipei and Seoul

5. Between Karachi and Muscat
5 32 -
10 63 -
15 95 -
20 126 -
25 158 -
30 189 -

1. Between Bangkok and Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shanghai, Xiamen, Hong Kong, Bangaluru, Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Denpasar, Jakarta, Kathmandu, Manila, Colombo, Taipei, Vienna

2. Between Phuket and Hong Kong, Beijing

3. Between Hong Kong and Seoul
5 40 -
10 80 -
15 120 -
20 160 -
25 200 -
240 -
3 Between Bangkok and Perth, Sapporo, Fukuoka, Haneda, Osaka, Nagoya, Narita, Busan, Seoul, Muscat, Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore, Dubai, Teharan 5 100 -
10 200 -
15 300 -
20 400 -
25 500 -
30 600 -
4 Between Bangkok and Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Moscow 5 105 -
10 210 -
15 315 -
20 420 -
25 525 -
30 630 -
5 1. Between Bangkok and Auckland, Brussels, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Munich, London, Milan, Rome, Oslo, Paris, Stockholm, Vienna, Zurich



2. Between Phuket and Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Stockholm

5 193 -
10 385 -
15 578 -
20 770 -
25 963 -
30 1,155 -

 Online purchasing extra baggage allowance on http://www.thaiairways.com  is non-refundable, non-endorsable and non-transferable.


Online purchasing extra baggage allowance is applicable only in weight concept and is in pentads basis (every 5kgs will be counted). The maximum online extra baggage allowance 30kg per one passenger is allowed.


 An online extra baggage allowance must be made at least 24 hours prior to flight departure and it is valid only for the flight and date shown on the Ancillary voucher.


 Online purchasing extra baggage allowance is available to all passengers (except Group booking, Stand by passenger and Infant passenger are not applicable) whose tickets have been issued for Thai Airways/Thai Smile operated flights only.


 Passenger is required to present the Ancillary Voucher at airport check-in counter on departure. The Ancillary Voucher will be available to view and print on confirmation of purchase step. System will automatically send confirmation of purchasing Excess Baggage by email, mobile which is registered in Thailand only.


 One time online purchase extra baggage allowance is allowed only per person and per sector in each booking. Any additional Excess Baggage over online purchased amount must be charged with the standard rate upon presentation of baggage at departure airport.


 Only Visa/MasterCard both credit and debit cards are acceptable for online payment with currency in Thai Baht and US Dollar.


Online purchasing Excess Baggage available on all Thai Airways operated flights:
-          All domestic flights from/to Bangkok
-          All International flights from Bangkok (except flights to Los Angeles)
-          All flights to/from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Brussels, Paris, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Munich, Oslo and Zurich