17 July 2018
Ministry of Transport and THAI Bid Farewell to the Last British Cave Diver Mr. Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, Minister of Transport, along with Mr. Pailin Chuchottaworn, Deputy Transport Minister, and Mr. Surachai Piencharoensak, Executive Vice President, Technical, Thai Airways International Public Company Limited (THAI), jointly thanked a cave diving expert from British Cave Rescue Council, United Kingdom for successful rescue efforts.
THAI provided roundtrip tickets from Copenhagen-Bangkok to cave diving experts from the British Cave Rescue Council, United Kingdom. The British cave diving experts were part of the rescue team who helped to search and find 13 members of a youth football team who were trapped inside the Kun Nam Nang Non Cave in Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai province.
THAI and THAI Smile are thankful to all officials, civilians, volunteers, and rescuers from Thailand and abroad who participated in the search and rescued the youth football players and their coach from Kun Nam Nang Non Cave. THAI and THAI Smile will facilitate air tickets to the rescuers for their return home and coordinated with government organizations to present air tickets to those involved in the rescue mission.
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