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On all THAI operated flights, for paid travel in most booking classes, you earn miles, plus additional class of service miles. For THAI operated flights less than 500 miles in distance, you earn a minimum of 500 miles. 

Earning Miles

Miles are earned according to the fare paid, the class of service of your purchased ticket, and the distance flown.

Class of Service
Booking Class

Percentage of Actual

Miles Flown

Royal First Class

A, P
Royal Silk Class
C, D
J, Z
Premium Economy U






Y, B
M, H, Q 100%
T, K, S 75%
V, W 25%
L No Miles

Ineligible Booking


O , I , X , E , N , R No Miles



- On THAI, discounted fares or promotional fares with designated booking class code, or designated routes, may be eligible for reducing mileage accrual or may not earn miles.

  • - On flights which have a joint agreement or codeshare flights, miles may not be accrued.

- Charter flights will not be able to accrue miles.

  • - Award travel generally in O / I / X / E /  booking classes, and travel industry discounted tickets, generally in ID or AD, are not eligible for mileage accrual.

  • - On all upgraded travel including a paid upgrade at the airport, mileage is earned based on the original paid fare.


Tier Status Bonus Miles*

Having and aspiring to Platinum, Gold and Silver status is even more rewarding with Tier Status Bonus Miles earned on international flights operated by THAI (TG 3 digit flight number).  


Tier Status Bonus Miles are earned according to the tier status with each flown qualifying flight.  These additional miles are calculated on top of actual miles flown and any applicable class of service bonus miles.* 


Tier Status


Percentage of Flown Miles


Platinum 20%
Gold 10%
Silver 5%

* Tier Status Bonus Miles are not Qualifying Miles that determine membership status within the Royal Orchid Plus program.


As an example one way travel between Bangkok and London with actual miles of 5,928 would earn the following tier status bonus miles.



(20% Tier Status Bonus Miles)

Earned  Miles

Royal First Class

(Ex : Travel in booking class F)

• 14,820 miles

(earn miles 250% calculated from actual miles including class of service miles)

• 2,964 tier status bonus miles

• 17,784 total earned miles



(10% Tier Status Bonus Miles )

Earned Miles

Royal Silk Class

(Ex : Travel in booking class C)

• 8,892 miles

(earn miles 150% calculated from actual miles including class of service miles)

• 889 tier status bonus miles

• 9,781 total  earned miles


(5% Tier Status Bonus Miles)

Earned Miles

Economy Class

(Ex: Travel in booking class Y)

• 6,521 miles

(earn miles 110% calculated from actual miles including class of service miles)

• 326 tier status bonus miles

• 6,847 total earned miles


Royal Orchid Plus Mileage Chart, click here

Mileage Accumulation Rules, click here