Rimanete connessi al mondo del lavoro e navigate sui social con il vostro dispositivo mobile. Controllate la vostra posta elettronica e navigate in rete dal vostro laptop in volo, grazie a THAI Sky Connect.

THAI Sky Connect (Wi-Fi onboard) is available for passengers to stay connected in the sky with a selection of packages for your preference.
You can enjoy our Wi-Fi service on B787, A350 and B777-300ER (Unavailable on some aircraft)

Our Royal First Class passengers and Royal Orchid Plus Platinum members can now enjoy unlimited complimentary Wi-Fi service throungh THAI Sky Connect.

Prices for Inflight Wi-Fi packages:

Unlimited Chatting

Text friends and family via LINE, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat and similar services. Note that you cannot send or receive photos, videos, or audio files.

Unlimited Surfing

Connect to social networks, surf the web and send emails.

Unlimited Streaming

Access your favorite content. Ideal for streaming, browsing, emails and social networks.

*Please be notified that Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP, phone calls using internet connection) is not available due to regulations and to avoid interference with other passenger’s experience.