Авиапутешествие может оказывать различное воздействие на организм путешественника: стресс, дискомфорт органов слуха и обоняния, усталость мышц, общее недомогание или даже, в более редких случаях, обострение хронических заболеваний человека.
Пассажиры с контролируемым диабетом могут путешествовать с учетом того, что время для их лечебных поддерживающих процедур и прием пищи отрегулированы согласно временным зонам. Инсулинозависимым пассажирам следует сообщить в авиакомпанию о необходимости приема препарата и его провоза на борту. Необходимо иметь при себе соответствующий медицинский сертификат (на английском языке), чтобы получить разрешение пронести на борт с собой иглы и шприцы для инъекций.
Трансконтинентальные полеты, проходящие через несколько временных зон на дальнемагистральных маршрутах, могут стать причиной бессонницы, вызванной нарушением биологических «часов» и суточных ритмов в человеческом организме. Основные симптомы – это сонливость, усталость, головокружение, тяжесть и дискомфорт в пищеварительной системе, общее снижение работоспособности. Возрастные пассажиры, пассажиры, путешествующие ночными рейсами и рейсами в восточном направлении, более подвержены синдрому смены часовых поясов или Jet Lag. Чтобы перезапустить синхронизацию внутренних биологических «часов» при jet lag наиболее щадящим способом, можно использовать следующие приемы:
Авиакомпания Thai Airways , как и другие авиакомпании, имеет определённые возможности по предоставлению медицинской помощи на борту. Команда бортпроводников регулярно проходит тренинги по предоставлению первой медицинской помощи и кардиопульмонарной реанимации. Медицинское оборудование на борту включает:
While en route our flight attendants will provide hot beverage service to passengers. In order to prevent burn injuries from hot liquid spills, we would like the passengers to:
- When a coffee/tea cup is placed on a carry tray, please wait until the flight attendant finishes pouring the hot liquid and then pick up the coffee/tea cup with caution.
- In case of no carry tray in use, the flight attendant will pour the hot liquid into a coffee/tea cup that the passenger holds with a handle. Please wait until he/she finishes pouring before taking it back; otherwise hot liquid may spill out and possibly cause injury.
Passenger seats on board all THAI aircraft have been designed, in line with standard aviation regulations, to be properly fitted, convenient and secure. In particular on long haul flights, some passengers may prefer to change their position by lying on the cabin floor around seating areas, but this can pose a threat to their own safety. Despite a clean and tidy floor, tiny dust particles in the carpet may cause allergic symptoms, and even affect the respiratory system. Moreover, the on-board oxygen may not be circulated fully and sufficiently down on the floor, causing difficult to breathe, and, upon getting up, the passenger may feel light-headed and dizzy. Most importantly, when lying on the cabin floor contact with the metal parts of the seat and floor can cause severe injury, especially during turbulence.
Sick passengers are sensitive to minor changes, therefore medical consultation before travelling is necessary to minimize health risks. Medications must be kept in the hand luggage. Travelers with metallic prosthesis, cardiac pacemaker, internal defibrillator or those who have to carry medical equipment on board must travel with a medical certificate.
Disabled passengers who need assistance during flight must be accompanied and notify in advance for special arrangements by cabin crew.
Passengers with medical conditions not treated and stabilized, or passengers which conditions that can be aggravated during flight, must have medical clearance before flight reservation.
Note: A MEDIF (medical information form) must be filled by treating doctor to inform the details of the medical conditions, and if special equipment such as oxygen, a wheelchair or stretcher is needed. THAI has the right to refuse, delay or ask for changing travel conditions. Travelling by plane is permitted only for treated and stabilized patients.
Assure sufficient quantities of cardiac medications for the entire trip, including sublingual nitroglycerin, and keep in carry-on luggage. Keep a separate list of medications including dosing intervals and tablet size in the event that medications are lost. Limit unnecessary ambulation, particularly inflight. The following conditions are not safe for air travel :
Passengers may experience abdominal discomfort because of gas expansion in fight.
Passengers are at risk of developing economic class syndrome from cramped seating, inactivity, prolonged immobilization, depletion of body fluids causing increased blood viscosity, poor blood circulation and swelling of feet and legs then a thrombus develops in the deep veins. To reduce the risk while traveling it is recommended to wear comfortable shoes or take shoes off, exercise the calves, mobilize, stretch arms and legs every couple of hours, walk around the cabin, avoid sleeping pills, remain adequately hydrated and avoid excess alcohol.
If you require the use of wheelchairs, please click here for more information.
Due to the number of passengers on THAI flights, the company cannot guarantee a 100% nut-free environment in its lounges nor aircraft cabins. Nevertheless, if THAI is informed well in advance of a passenger’s medical condition, the company will strive to ensure that each touch point is aware of passenger requirements.
We also highly recommend that you carry your medication and/or medical ID bracelets at all times, as well as alert THAI staff in cases of allergic reaction.
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- Inform the local reservation & ticketing officers about children’s information for appropriate seating and preparation of facilities on the aircraft
- Babies and toddlers must be held in the arms during taking off and landing
- Prepare adequate clothing to keep the baby warm in the plane
- Air travel is not recommended for infants during the first week of life, when a newborn’s body is still adjusting to life outside the uterus and to assure that the child is healthy and free of congenital defects. Healthy infants 7 days of age are acceptable to travel with an adult passenger.
- Children with chronic disease may be at risk for hypoxia during flight, and a physician should be consulted before air travel.
- Changing cabin pressure cause temporary changes in middle ear pressure, which can result in pain. To minimize this, it is helpful to have a baby nurse a bottle, breast or suck on a pacifier (older children may drink from a cup or chewing gum) particularly during descent. This will help equalize the air pressure in the middle ear.
- For children who suffer from motion sickness, medication can be used 30 minutes before departure
For the safety reason of the business class air bag seat belt system on Boeing 787-9, lab held infant and infant without approved car seat are not allowed on the business class of the aircraft. Only infant occupying seat with the approved car seat (Child Restraint System - CRS)* can be accepted and the belt extender are available on board.
* Passenger need to resiponsible for providing approved car seat (Child Restraint System - CRS).
For more information, please contact your local THAI office
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