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Award Nominees

Redeem Awards for family, friends or anyone by including them as your Award Nominee.

Award Eligibility

  • Yourself as the member.
  • Award Nominees that you designate
  • Your list of Award Nominees can include up to 5 names of family, friends or anyone without a fee.
  • Nominee names can be added or changed one at a time, or as multiple entries.
  • Each new or changed nominee name counts as one entry.
  • Each change made online is 15,000 miles. At THAI city offices, each change is 20,000 miles or THB 5,700 or USD 190, payable in cash or by credit card.
  • Your personal Award Nominee list can be accessed at Manage Your Account, using your membership number and PIN code.

When requesting an Award for another, including your immediate family members, their name must be included in your Award Nominee list before redeeming awards for them.

More flexibility and convenience are yours with Awards only a few clicks away.